International trade and anti-dumping laws, is a significant branch of law which include customs and rules
governing trade transactions between private sector organizations across the globe. World Trade
Organization (WTO) and General Agreement on Traitt and Trade (GATT) are the governing bodies and
backbone of International Trade Laws.
Counsels at Diwan Advocates have a considerable experience and expertise dealing in laws governing
international trade. They have been consistent in assisting clients on wide variety of laws and regulations
affecting cross- border transactions and activities, representing them in international trade remedy litigation
inter- alia covering anti-dumping, safeguard and countervailing duty matters. We counsel our clients on the
relevant international trade rules, advise them on compliance with such rules, as well as to conduct internall
investigations, prepare voluntary disclosures, and/or represent them in enforcement actions related to the
violation of such rules. Foreign investment, customs, anti-dumping issues, import, and export law, as well as
injunctions, are all at the core of our practice.