



National Council for Teacher Education is established with a view to achieving planned and co-ordinated develoument of the leacher education system throughout the country, the regulation and proper maintenance of nors and standards in the teacher education system including qualfications af school teachers. The Council has Executive and Regional Commitlees, the Commibees have to perform functions as assigned by the Council. Primary Funcion of the Regional Commitlee is to recognize teacher education institutions, the Regional Committee can withdraw the recognition if the institutions found contravening the provisions of the Act, or the rules, regulations, orders made or issued thereunder, or arry condition subject to which recognition was granted. The Order passed by Regional Committee is Appealable before the Council.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is enacted ta pravide free ard compulsory education to all chikiren of the age of six to fourteen years. The Act imposes duties upon the Central Gavernment, State Government, Local Authority, Schoal, teachers and Parents/guardian for implementation of the Act. The Act provides the constitution of National Advisory Council and Stale Advisory Council to advise the concemed govemment on implementation of the provisions of the Act in an effective manner. Any person having any grievance relating to the right of a child under the Act may make a wrillen complaint to the local authority having jurisdiction. Further, the person aggrieved by the decision of the local authority may prefer an appeal to the State Commission for Protection of Chikd Rights.
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and State Commission for Prolection of Chikd Rights have to examine and review the safeguards for rights provided under the 2009 Act and shall recommend measures for their ellective implementaion. The Commissions may inquire into complaints relating to chid's right ta free and compulsary education.
The University Grants Commission Act. 1956 is enacted to make provision for the co-ordination and determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in Universities and for that purpose a University Grants Commission is established. The Commission may make regulations ba regulate the functioning al commission and universites. The Commission may withhold from the University the grants proposed 1o be made out of the Fund of the Commission for failure to comply with any recommendation made by the Commission.
The Fim provides complete legal assistance in relation to interpretation and enforcement af any provision under these Acts. Further, the Firm advises and draits the Pedions in relation to any legal proceedings arising out of the provisions ol Act. Further, the Firm also appears before the concerned High Court and the Supreme Court of India.