



Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was legislated for better protection of the interests of consumers. The 1986 Act had established Consumer Councils and other Authorities for the settlement of Consumer disputes. And now 1986 Act is set to repeal soon and the new legislation of 2019 will be enforced and take place of it. The 2019 Act is more effective to protect the rights of consumers. Consumer Protection Act, 2019 provides timely and effective administration and settlement of consumers' disputes.
Consumer forums have been constituted at District, State and National Level to redress the grievances. The forums have different pecuniary jurisdiction to adjudicate the Complaints. The State and National Consumer Commissions have Appellate and original jurisdiction to adjudicate certain complaints of specified value. Further, the Orders passed by National Commission are Appealable before the Supreme Court of India. The Firm drafts legal instruments including terms and conditions for services, agreements, contracts, Memorandum of Understanding, and guarantee terms and conditions for the companies, manufacturers and service providers. The Firm also drafts the Pleadings and also appears for its clients before the Consumer Forums and the Supreme Court of India.