Immigration law governs immigration into and deportation from a country and thelaw varies from country to
country. Every Country maintain laws to regulate the entry and exit of the migrants and their duration of stay,
freedom of movement, and right to participate in commerce and government. Generally, the countries
manage their immigration policy in a way to balance between national interests and the rights of individual
and accordingly set rules and criteria for the grant of visas and entry permission. Some countries have
special provisions to consider humanitarian appeals andto support the settlement of migrants, refugees, and
protected persons.
All foreign nationals entering India are required to possess a valid international travel document in the form
of a national passport with a valid visa obtained from an Indian Mission or Post abroad.
The Bureau of Immigration is established to administer immigration related functions such as immigration
facilitation service at airports and foreigner registration.
The Foreigners Tribunals are established by the Central Government to determine the foreigner and for
prohibiting, regulating or restricting the entry of foreigners into India or their departure therefrom or their
presence or continued presence therein as per the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946.
We provides complete legal assistance including advice and guidance for immigration related issues. We
also for our clients drafts the legal documents i.e. Applications, Petition and Appeal and appears before the
Authorities, Tribunal and the Courts.