In an aggressive competitive structure, Intellectual Property Rights acts as a stimulant in building good will
and mark in the market despite of being an intangible asset. Intellectual property laws promote the creation
of human ideas/intellect. Intellectual property has become a backbone for being a distinct identity amide
other national and international players. The TRIPS Agreement established the minimum global standards of
IPRs protection as well as rules on enforcement, not ending to this it has brought along domestic IPRs
regimes of WTO members under the jurisdiction of the WTO dispute settlement system.
Team of experts here at Diwan Advocates deals with all the types of Intellectual property following:
Copyright: Copyright under IPR protects written and published works such as books, songs, artistic work,
films, and web content. Attorneys here provide a host of advisory services to their clients including Filing and
prosecuting applications for registration of Copyright in India and internationally, Infringement and validity
advice, Litigation: Cancellation proceedings, appeals, civil suits and criminal actions for infringement, Anti-
piracy measures, Post Registration Services, Assignment, licensing and transfer, Specific agreements.
Trademark: Trademark under IPR protects sign, symbols, and logos, device that distinguish products and
services of one from its competitors. Experts at Diwan Advocates provide advisory on trademark related
dispute matters, Filing and prosecuting Trade Mark and Service Mark applications at the Indian Trademarks
Registry, Filing and prosecuting Trade Mark and Service Mark applications internationally with the
cooperation of our foreign associates or under the Madrid Protocol, Infringement and validity opinion,
Litigation: opposition, revocation, rectification, appeals, criminal and civil suits for infringement and passing
off, anti-counterfeit action, Appellate Board proceedings, Trademark searches locally and internationally,
Clearance of title, Domain Name Search, Brand selection advice, Journal watch services, Post-registration
services, Renewals, Portfolio Management, Assignment, Licensing and Franchising.
Patents: Patents under IPR protects human intellect and inventions. Attorney's at Diwan Advocates offers a
wide array of services and solutions in patent filing and prosecution, dispute resolution and litigation in
patent related matters. Drafting provisional & complete patent specifications for India and overseas, Filing
and prosecuting applications at the Indian Patent Office and under the PCT, Filing and prosecuting
applications internationally in co-operation with our foreign associates, Comprehensive patent searching
with analysis & legal opinion for: Prior art, Novelty, Patentability, Freedom to operate / practice (FTO), |
Invalidation, Litigation support, Patent Litigation, Oppositions, Pre grant & post grant, Observation
submissions, Infringement actions (Prosecution & Defence), Appeals (at the IPAB and in various Courts),
Journal watch services, Post registration services such as renewals and filing statement of working.
Licensing and transfer of technology, Portfolio Management.
Design: Filing and prosecuting applications for registration of Designs, Searches locally and internationally,
Infringement and validity opinions, Litigation: cancellation proceedings, appeals, civil suits for infringement,
Journal watch services, Post Registration Services, Renewals, Assignment and Licensing, Portfolio